Acquisition and takeover of a company

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Acquisition and takeover of companies: alternatives to creation

Our accountants put their experience at your disposal to offer you the support adapted to the realization of your project. The application of our professional approach allows us to meet all your needs, while ensuring optimal accounting, tax, social and legal security at each step of the process.

Often complex and challenging, business acquisition or takeover operations leave no room for improvisation. Making the decision to buy a company is one thing, but implementing this acquisition is another; this is why Prisme Expertises offers you an adapted and effective methodology throughout your career.

Define the profile of the entity to be taken over

As soon as your intention to take over a company is certain, it is advisable to define its standard profile together. Its objectives will be to guide you in the search for a possible target while leading you to ask yourself the essential questions about your personal motivations.

Carrying out an acquisition audit of the target

The acquisition audit consists in carrying out an examination of a target on one or more aspects: accounting, taxation, legal matters, social, business activity, regulation… This examination highlights all the risks and problems detected on the points analysed, checks that the data provided by the seller are correct and allows you to obtain additional information. The audit report allows you to position yourself on whether or not to carry out the operation.

Business assessment

The evaluation of the target should enable you to obtain a valuation to negotiate the financial terms of the takeover transaction with the seller. In order to avoid under- or overvaluation, several methods are used and crossed to ensure a price that is consistent with the market and the environment.

Optimization of the takeover and realization of a forecast

Following the diagnosis and evaluation of the target, having concluded that a takeover could be a good opportunity, it is necessary to establish the business takeover plan. As chartered accountants, we advise you on the legal arrangements (direct acquisition, holding company, creation followed by acquisition, etc.) to be implemented to optimise this operation. In order to ensure the economic and financial feasibility, an activity forecast is established and a search for financing is carried out (personal contributions, banking organisations, assistance…).

Assistance in negotiations and signing of a memorandum of understanding

Negotiations generally take place before and during the development of the company’s takeover plan. Following an agreement reached during this phase, a Memorandum of Understanding should be drafted and signed. The memorandum of understanding is a written legal act that materializes your agreement with the transferor by using the important terms of the negotiations.

Signing of the sale and follow-up of the transition

Following The memorandum of understanding, the lifting of the conditions precedent and the date of sale reached, the formalities related to the transfer can be completed. There is often a transition phase between you and the transferor in order to make a change under the best conditions.

Our "Acquisition and Takeover" offer includes:

  • Unlimited hotline,
  • Getting to know your project,
  • Analysis of its feasibility,
  • Interview with the transferor's advisors and/or the transferor,
  • Carrying out an acquisition audit,
  • Carrying out an evaluation of the target,
  • Realization of a complete provisional file,
  • Search for the necessary assistance and financing,
  • Assistance with financial institutions,
  • Reflection on the appropriate arrangement in legal, fiscal and social matters,
  • Carrying out the acquisition or takeover of a company.