Social assistance

Offer detail

Your social obligations in complete serenity

Whether it is your first job or your company already has a large number of employees, we act as accountants by your side to carry out all your formalities in social matters.

In order to assist you in the administration of your activity, we are here to facilitate and secure relations with your employees. In addition to accounting, tax, legal and management missions, Prisme Expertises supports you from the hiring of your employees to the possible termination of the employment contract, including permanent social monitoring.

Our connected approach as a single point of contact offers you a dematerialized working environment for more efficient daily processing and follow-up close to you.

Our "Social Assistance" offer includes:

Services related to legal and contractual obligations:

Services related to advice and management:

Services related to the organization of the company:

  • Preparation of your employees' pay slips,
  • Completion and transmission of the related event, monthly, quarterly or annual social declarations,
  • Follow-up and maintenance of the personnel register,
  • Completion of administrative formalities related to hiring (single hiring declaration, affiliation to the funds).
  • Provision of expense report software for employees,
  • Recruitment assistance (definition of needs, interviewing, validation of skills and competences),
  • Seeking any social optimization in terms of hiring assistance,
  • Advice on profit-sharing, social organisation and labour regulations,
  • Assistance in the choice and drafting of an employment contract,
  • Assistance in the possible preparation of the economic and social balance sheet,
  • Assistance in the event of termination of employment contract,
  • Assistance in URSSAF (social security offices) control matters.
  • Unlimited hotline,
  • Unlimited access to our online software,
  • Chartered accountant as a single point of contact throughout the professional relationship,
  • Archiving and digital storage of all corporate documents during the legal periods.